


As highlighted by the HSE and in the current Manchester Arena enquiry a comprehensive security regime requires an effective ‘closed loop’ management system to help identify problem areas, decide on appropriate actions, act on them and check that the steps have been effective and have actually been carried out.

This simple process of continuous improvement is at the heart of InForm solution.

Information is gathered and reported by security and cleaning personnel using simple smartphones and NFC Tags. The resultant data is used to create key relevant Management Information (MI) of key operational measures. Reports are automatically distributed to management allowing them to monitor and review the performance of the individual, their teams and ensuring a robust cleaning/security regime was in place providing reassurance and defensibility.


When operated in any environment Overtec InForm can be used to manage and report on

  • Security and Cleaner day to day activity
  • Security Incident Reporting
  • Slips, Trips and Spillages
  • Maintenance activity (Defects Log)
  • Break Glass, Void Property, Fire Extinguisher, Life Ring, Alarm Checks, Unusual Activity

The cleaning or security route report provides robust date and time stamped evidence that the cleaning / security activity was carried out.

“We use Overtec’ absolutely amazing GPS Mobile based system, tracks real time patrols with an amazing amount of detail, photo’s, hazard reports, critical and vulnerable area checks etc, real time mapping with satellite overlay, the system is tremendous!” Sean Morrison CBRE Estate Manager, Royal Albert Dock Liverpool